FlexCommunity Conference 2024

Thursday, 22.02. - Friday, 23.02.2024 , 14:00 -12:00 Uhr, Online Add to calendar

We are thrilled to announce that the yearly FlexCommunity Conference will take place from February 22 to February 23, 2024. In these two days, we invite you to join the Conference to learn about last year's work (i.e. the FlexOffer Specification, the FlexSurvey and the FlexAnimation), to further discuss the future of a flexible energy system and to carry out further activities in the scope of the FlexCommunity, including its relationship to our int:net interoperability community (taking place mainly on day 2).

22 February 2024, 2:00pm – 17:30pm
23 February 2024, 9:00am – 12:00pm     
Brief agenda:

  • Day 1, 22 February 
    Presentation and Discussion of Last Year's Work
» Keynote: Flexibilities - why, where and how much? | Jochen Kreusel, Global Head of Market Innovation at Hitachi, President of T&D Europe
» The transition to a flexible energy system | Carlos Ayon Mac Gregor, B.A.U.M. Consult
» Categorisation of flexibilities
» How to harvest and trade flexibilities - The FlexOffer user group | Olivier Genest, TRIALOG & Torben Bach Pedersen, Aalborg University/FlexShape
» Tackling cross-sector interoperability from the energy perspective: The int:net community | Markus Stroot, FIT Fraunhofer
» Panel discussion: Flexible and interoperable energy systems – how can we make it happen? | Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Consult

  • Day 2, 23 February 
    Interactive Sessions and Collaborative Work on challenges and opportunities for community members.
 » int:net use case presentation | Maider Santos-Mugica, TECNALIA

         Joint discussions between the FlexGroups and Interoperability Focus Groups on the topics of
1. Data spaces | Antonio Kung, TRIALOG
2. Use cases | Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Consult
3. Regulatory framework | Daniele Stampatori, European University Institute
4. Testing | Edmund Widl, AIT Austrian Insitute of Technology GmbH
 » Panel discussion: The role of communities | Rene Kuchenbuch, OFFIS e.V.
The agenda will be updated regularly, you can find the most current version here. Please find the registration here.
